装了Lion将近3周,新的fancy的feature不少 ((fancy的另外一种解释就是中看不中用……)),当然各种大的小的宏观的细节的问题也不少;这儿我就不列了,还真是不一而足呢; 现在大家都在讨论,说种种迹象表明,mac os x的未来便是慢慢向ios靠拢,逐步统一两系统的用户体验和程序开发;列位,先别讨论未来了,我比较现实,谁先把10.7.1给我整出来吧……
Grid Archives 1.5.0
Grid Archives 1.4.0 introduced a new display style called “compact”, which only supports year expand at that time. Although this function will effectively reduce the length of the whole archive page if there are many years of articles, it still presents as a very long list page if there are many articles/posts in each year. To address this issue, 1.5.0 introduce a new month list view in “compact” mode. It will be shown by default if “compact” mode is enabled, but you can always turn it off if you like. The month date format is also highly customizable. [ChangeLog]
- added month list view in ‘compact’ mode, the page will smoothly scroll to that month if clicked
- added an option to hide the month list, thus disable the scroll capability
- added an option to customize the date display format for month list
See Archives of The Year for a live demo.
Grid Archives 1.4.1
This release mainly addresses some minor defects/issues in release 1.4.0, if you’ve already upgraded to 1.4.0, upgrade to 1.4.1 is highly recommended. [ChangeLog]
- tweaked the year list display style
- fixed an issue that the screen will scroll up to the top during year expand
- only load ‘compact’ style required js in ‘compact’ mode, not ‘classic’ mode
Please visit this archives page (“compact” style) to see a live demo. As always, please visit the plugin home page for more details.
Grid Archives 1.4.0
CDD ((Comment Driven Development)) continues :) Driven by this comment, grid archives now supports a new compact (expand) post display style (view live demo). As also indicated by the demo, currently only year expand is supported. I will add month expand capability later if it’s largely demanded. [ChangeLog]
- added an compact (expand) display style
- added 3 shortcode attributes (style, month_date_format, post_date_format), grid-archives now supports [ grid_archives style=”classic|compact” month_date_format=”Y.m” post_date_format=”j M Y” ]
[Screenshots] For more details, please visit the plugin home page.
OpenExplorer Eclipse Plugin 1.5.0
Thanks to jdkcn, Open Explorer now supports multiple file managers (not only nautilus) in Linux, it will detect your system file manager and use that by default ((dolphin (KDE), nautilus (Gnome), thunar (xfce), pcmanfm (lxde), rox, xdg-open, etc)). I also added a preferences page for this, so you can customize it if the default doesn’t make you happy.
To upgrade, simply replace the plugin jar file, you can always download the latest version ((1.5.0.v201108051513)) from here.
OpenExplorer Eclipse Plugin 1.4.0
Alright, this time I will let all the screenshots speak, as they’re inherently international. So, what’s new? anything else? Yeah!
Okay, that’s the new stuff, what about our old friend? It turns out…
Want to have a try? I know you want :)
OpenExplorer Eclipse Plugin 1.3.0
Essentially, this is just a bug-fixing and maintaining release. In this release, we addressed an issue on linux platform (with nautilus installed, currently seems all bugs are reported from ubuntu), similar to this one. I’ve thoroughly tested it in Eclipse Galileo (3.5), Helios (3.6), Indigo (3.7) on Mac OS X 10.6.8, Linux (Ubuntu 11.04) and Windows XP. While I try my best to maintain the plugin compatibility with the latest Eclipse version and latest OS release, it does may have some backward compatible issue. If you encounter any problems, please consider upgrading your eclipse and OS to the latest version and try again. If this doesn’t solve the problem, please do not hesitate to report defects here or simply leave comments below. This project is hosting on github and the latest release can be downloaded here: https://github.com/samsonw/OpenExplorer/downloads To upgrade the plugin, just replace the jar package in your $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins or $ECLIPSE_HOME/dropins directory. Last but not least, thanks for all the support and feedback so far. I hope you enjoy it.
凡事预则立,不预则废;这不是阿波罗计划 ((Apollo program,当然也还不知道真的假的)),但这并不意味着咱不需要计划; 先引用 idea来源 来定义一下微日记(我只负责回溯一层,btw):
现在已经有了 html 和 txt 两种版本,有通过CMS自带的editor编辑的(猜的),有SSH直接上去修改的,这两种solution都doable,但站在巨人的肩膀上面之后,我突然觉得不做任何修改创新的照搬照抄似乎是索然无味的; 于是一个月黑风高的夜晚 (实际上是白天,好吧。。我理屈词穷了。。),我祭出了一个super super overkill的solution,include了我所能include的所有能有点relevant的buzzword:
- html5 (so this is not txt at least…)
- node.js (instead of ruby on rails, we will use node.js, although there’s only one page and there’s almost no logic at all… or how can we call this overkill?)
- coffeescript (this comes along with node.js above, we will use js to take care of the editing part instead of CMS editor or SSH)
- nosql (MongoDB or Redis for “persistent” storage)
- cloud foundry (if possible, I will deploy it on cloudfoundry)
For the record, this is just a just-for-fun project to demonstrate how I can make simple things complicated… The code will later be open sourced on github and deployed at log.samsonw.info or log.crash4.us, or samsonw.cloudfoundry.com ((depends on the deployment difficulty, it will probably be log.crash4.us or samsonw.cloudfoundry.com)).
google.com please
访问google.com的时候被redirect? Here is how to solve this problem in any browser, not only in google chrome . 截图于opera,但obviously,在各种浏览器里面都work.
Update 59: Unknown Unknowns
1. 离 上次update 已经将近两个月了,不是我不想update,只是我不想老是用“this update is intentionally left blank”来搪塞;update本来是件惬意舒心的事情,我从来不想将其搞的异常沉重; 2. 我现在开始相信 everything happens for a reason (当然以前也没有不相信,双重否定表示不是很肯定的肯定);如果不希望发生的事情发生了那应该叫做destiny,犹如我们把不想做但不得不做的事情称之为responsibility,那destiny也许只不过是上帝给你的responsibility;当把事不遂人愿看成是常态的时候,事遂人愿时便会心存感激,人知足了,才会常乐;老是不乐,生活的意义又何在呢,健康的活着其实本来就是件快乐幸福的事情,只是人们不到自己生病的时候也许永远不会体会得到; 3. 看来如今想做或要做的事情一定得要记下来,前几天(应该有几周了…)有人发邮件告诉我一个OpenExplorer在最新版的eclipse里的一个bug,并附上了修改意见,我当初回邮件说马上fix,如今几周过去了,我竟然今天才又想起,看来以后要做的事情第一时间要note下来,不然早就忘到九霄云外了; 4. “认真”其实不是种态度,而是种能力;只是这种能力一直以来被人认为是态度问题而不是能力问题,至于认真究竟是态度还是能力其实并不重要,重要的是从现在起就应该培养抑或端正起这种能力或态度;上文中关于“能力”的结论 ((“只有当你能施展出来的时候,才真正具有这种能力,否则其实就是没有”)) 我拜读后觉得很有道理,正犹如实践是检验真理的唯一标准一般,实践也许也是检验能力的唯一标准; 5. 最后摘录一段wikipedia上关于kown konwns和unknown unknowns的前美国国防部长的一段话最后点下题 ((不然有人又要说我天马行空了)), known的unknowns并不可怕,unknown的unknowns才是真正可怕的monster:
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.