The Vampire Diaries

昨晚被推荐开始看“吸血鬼日记”,其实恐怖吸血并不是我喜欢的类型,原本以为看了两集我就会放弃,不料第一集的最后几分钟便把我给深深吸引,鬼知道我就是喜欢这种感觉…… 遂今天找了各种合法非法的手段硬是剪了这2:28出来以飨各位,至于版权什么的吗嗯哼不管了你们来咬我好了…… BTW,很喜欢其背景音乐,原因嘛我不知道,可能就是曾经喜欢便一直喜欢吧~ [pro-player width=”520” height=”360”]\[/pro-player\]

Dear diary, I couldn’t have been more wrong, I thought that I could smile, nod my way through it; Pretend like it would all be ok. I had a plan. I wanted to change who I was; Create a life as someone new, Someone without the past. Without the pain. Someone alive. But it’s not that easy. The bad things stay with you. They follow you. You can’t escape them, As much as you want to. All you can do is be ready for the good. So when it comes, You invite it in, because you need it. I need it.

Buy me a coffee
  • Post author: Samson Wu
  • Post link: 4253.html
  • Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.