Multiple line support in SublimeTask

[废话] 鄙人新一年有个小计划,那便是需要开始protect起自己的private personal time,过去的一年因为工作牺牲了太多的个人时间,这样的策略抑或无奈是物有所值还是得不偿失需要被重新审视和评估; ==================== 废话的分割线 ==================== [Introduction] Check out this introductory post if you don’t know what is SublimeTask. [Overview] Let’s keep it simple and short this time, since it’s very late now :(. As issue #3 indicated, previous version of SublimeTask lacks the feature of multiple line support, this update just addressed this issue and addressed it well. 2 kinds of multiple types are now supported:

  • Multiple selections (hold ⌘ during multiple selections, one key fancy feature of Sublime Text)
  • One selection with multiple lines (this should be self explanatory)

So from now on you should be able to mark multiple tasks as completed/incomplete in just one shot, enjoy! [Upgrade] If you have Sublime Package Control installed, just do a “Upgrade Package” to get the latest version of SublimeTask. [Report Issues] Please feel free to report any issues here:

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  • Post author: Samson Wu
  • Post link: 4218.html
  • Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.