[Redirection] Check out this introductory post if you don’t know what is SublimeTask. [Overview] As this issue ticket indicated, people want the url (http, https, ftp etc) to be processed and displayed differently in SublimeTask. Although opening url link in default browser is possible and actually turns out to be fairly simple, I still haven’t fully made my mind whether I want this functionality goes in or not, cuz it sounds like a separate project/plugin. Anyway, it’s really a nice-to-have feature, I will be glad to add this in in the future, either directly built in or as a separate plugin. In this update/patch, what I did is just highlighting the url. One screenshot should be enough to tell the whole story. [Screenshot] Note all the url above are highlighted. [Customization] As always, check out the “Customization” section here should you need to customize the url display style.
Highlight URL in SublimeTask
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