Grid Archives 1.5.1

After such a long time, Grid Archives seems definitely need some love. Sorry my old friend, I was really..really busy. I mentioned I haven’t updated wordpress and plugins for quite a while before, now it’s not a problem anymore, cause I’ve bravely clicked that “Update Now” button (( with backup, of course :) )). It’s glad to see Grid Archives still works properly. So with some small minor style changes, Grid Archives 1.5.1 is released. I’m aware of that there’re still some issues to address. I will do address them… when I have some time. [ChangeLog]

  • minor css style changes
  • make the plugin compatible with wordpress 3.3

No big changes, but you can still verify it by navigating to the live demo page if you want.

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  • Post author: Samson Wu
  • Post link: 3740.html
  • Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.