Grid Archives 1.5.0

Grid Archives 1.4.0 introduced a new display style called “compact”, which only supports year expand at that time. Although this function will effectively reduce the length of the whole archive page if there are many years of articles, it still presents as a very long list page if there are many articles/posts in each year. To address this issue, 1.5.0 introduce a new month list view in “compact” mode. It will be shown by default if “compact” mode is enabled, but you can always turn it off if you like. The month date format is also highly customizable. [ChangeLog]

  • added month list view in ‘compact’ mode, the page will smoothly scroll to that month if clicked
  • added an option to hide the month list, thus disable the scroll capability
  • added an option to customize the date display format for month list

See Archives of The Year for a live demo.

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  • Post author: Samson Wu
  • Post link: 3363.html
  • Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.