
凡事预则立,不预则废;这不是阿波罗计划 ((Apollo program,当然也还不知道真的假的)),但这并不意味着咱不需要计划; 先引用 idea来源 来定义一下微日记(我只负责回溯一层,btw):


现在已经有了 htmltxt 两种版本,有通过CMS自带的editor编辑的(猜的),有SSH直接上去修改的,这两种solution都doable,但站在巨人的肩膀上面之后,我突然觉得不做任何修改创新的照搬照抄似乎是索然无味的; 于是一个月黑风高的夜晚 (实际上是白天,好吧。。我理屈词穷了。。),我祭出了一个super super overkill的solution,include了我所能include的所有能有点relevant的buzzword:

  • html5 (so this is not txt at least…)
  • node.js (instead of ruby on rails, we will use node.js, although there’s only one page and there’s almost no logic at all… or how can we call this overkill?)
  • coffeescript (this comes along with node.js above, we will use js to take care of the editing part instead of CMS editor or SSH)
  • nosql (MongoDB or Redis for “persistent” storage)
  • cloud foundry (if possible, I will deploy it on cloudfoundry)

For the record, this is just a just-for-fun project to demonstrate how I can make simple things complicated… The code will later be open sourced on github and deployed at log.samsonw.info or log.crash4.us, or samsonw.cloudfoundry.com ((depends on the deployment difficulty, it will probably be log.crash4.us or samsonw.cloudfoundry.com)).

Buy me a coffee
  • Post author: Samson Wu
  • Post link: 3275.html
  • Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.