Grid Archives 1.1.0

Grid Archives now seems work pretty good with the CDD (Comment Driven Development) process :) This release is driven by this comment. As I said, the plugin is now totally driven by comments, so as always, thanks for these who trying this plugin out and giving back the precious feedback. In this release, grid archives now support displaying posts from one specific category, just input [ grid_archives category=”Category name” ] ((remove the space after “[“ and before “]“)) in your page/post, the category is the category name you want to display. For backward compatibility, the old [ grid_archives ] will still work and will still show all the posts as it did before. [ChangeLog]

  • added a shortcode category attribute to display articles under one specific category, grid-archives now support [ grid_archives category=”Category name” ]

Please visit the plugin home page for more details.

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  • Post author: Samson Wu
  • Post link: 3167.html
  • Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.