What’s New in Firefox 4 (Part 1)

标题看起来非常official,实际上就是很official… 因为咱是从mozilla的 official site 拷过来的…… 本来昨天就想拷的,结果事情实在太多,只好拖到现在,虽然有点out了不过也无妨,因为彼时彼刻,恰如此时此刻~

Firefox 4 is based on the Gecko 2.0 Web platform. This release features JavaScript execution speeds up to six times faster than the previous version, new capabilities for Web Developers and Add-on Developers such as hardware accelerated graphics and HTML5 technologies, and a completely revised user interface.

Firefox每次minor版本的更新都伴随着其内核 Gecko版本的更新 ((话说回来,浏览器不更新这个还更新什么)),这次major版本更新,Gecko也索性来个大版本号,步调要一致,不然要扯着蛋,嗯… 我不知道你,反正我打开FF4的第一反应是快 ((注意,不是指初次启动速度,这个貌似还是painfully slow……)),这个跟6倍速 javascript 性能提升不无关系,当然肯定还有UI的优化,不像以前点个按钮给我个圈圈让我等,上了个厕所倒了杯水回来还是那个圈圈在那欢快的转…… 另外硬件加速,html5什么的我们下面应该会有具体细则,这里只是暂行条例,只是个大方向,详细的征收细则还需要之后由地方政府提供.

· Firefox 4 is available in over 80 languages


· Uses JägerMonkey, a new, faster JavaScript engine that is up to six times faster than Firefox 3.6

这个就是之前说的6倍加速,绝对是ff4的一大亮点,同时也印证了有竞争才有发展,瞧,这帮人承受着来自webkit和chrome的压力于是就去reverse engineering了他们一把,然后把key pieces还最后交给了部分intern完成…… how dare they?

· Support for the Do Not Track (“DNT”) header that allows users to opt-out of behavioural advertising

怎么实现的我没有仔细看(貌似应该是啥header吧),我只知道大概怎么使用…… 使用方法就是在Preferences -> Advanced -> General,然后 “Tell web sites I do not want to be tracked” ,如下图:

· Firefox Sync is included by default, allowing you to securely synchronize between multiple computers and mobile devices

又是一个cloud应用呵呵(而且要命的是也是做backup, restore的……),mobile的版本和我无关,不过用来备份 bookmarks, preferences, history, password 还有 tab 什么的还是蛮好的.

· Certain graphics rendering operations are now hardware-accelerated using Direct3D 9 on Windows XP, Direct3D 10 on Windows Vista and 7, and OpenGL on Mac OS (OpenGL on Linux will be supported in the future)

这个看上去很高级,不知道会不会提高flash在mac上的播放效率,会吗?不会吗?会吗?不会吧,好像cpu还是很高嘛…… 不过这个还有待考证,说不定我和现在开了无数个tab有关. Anyway, great stuff!

· Direct2D Hardware Acceleration is now on by default for Windows 7 users

great for windows 7 users,but again, 和我无关… So I don’t care…

· WebGL is enabled on all platforms that have a capable graphics card with updated drivers

我查了一下我的about:config,确实开着,只可惜我的那个card很可能不是个capable graphics card…

· Native support for the HD HTML5 WebM video format, hardware accelerated where available

到底还是sponser,这钱也不是白给的!当然和人家open source也不无关系就是了.

· Firefox button has a new look for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users


· Tabs are now on top by default on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux

en,I see you…

· You can search for and switch to already open tabs in the Smart Location Bar

我试了一把,确实可以work耶(废话。。),但是我觉得还是没我鼠标点来的快…… 除非你open了无数个tab,早已淹没在tab的海洋里.

· The stop and reload buttons have been merged into a single button on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux

这个我搞了好久… 原来customize的时候一定要先放 refresh button 然后紧接着放 stop button(中间不能有space),customize状态的时候一直是分离的(这也是最confuse的),直到最后点击完成的时候才会六神合体…… (巫妖王: now.. we are one.)

· The Bookmarks Toolbar has been replaced with a Bookmarks Button by default (you can switch it back if you’d like)


· Crash protection for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X when there is a crash in the Adobe Flash, Apple Quicktime or Microsoft Silverlight plugins

呵呵,看来它们是crash report的罪魁祸首,为了减少crash report server的load以及最终减少运维费用,采用沙漏是多么明智的选择。 好长啊,copy了这么久才发现才有1/3… 崩溃中,休息一会再说…… To be continued…

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  • Post author: Samson Wu
  • Post link: 2864.html
  • Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.