stdout customization

前面介绍完了deployment,接下来该轮到customization了,这个也同样重要。我目前所能想到的需要customize的地方主要有5个地方,都集中在两个文件,并没有想象中的复杂,且听我一一道来: [page title] [cc lang=”bash”]Location: RAILS_ROOT/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb, line 6[/cc] [cc lang=”ruby” nowrap=”false”] $ cat /dev/stdin >> /dev/stdout | tee [/cc] change to whatever text you want. [header title,sub-title] [cc lang=”bash”]Location: RAILS_ROOT/app/views/activities/index.html.erb, line 2, 3[/cc] [cc lang=”ruby” nowrap=”false”]

$ cat /dev/stdin >> /dev/stdout | tee

Don’t Panic: fatal system error, core dump file not generated …

[/cc] change to whatever text you want. [footer] [cc lang=”bash”]Location: RAILS_ROOT/app/views/activities/index.html.erb, line 23~27[/cc] [cc lang=”ruby” nowrap=”false”]

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[/cc] change to whatever text you want. [Disqus] 到Disqus register site和profile,然后拿到universal的javascript code,替换我的javascript code,具体位置在: [cc lang=”bash”]Location: RAILS_ROOT/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb, line 27~42[/cc] [Google Analytics] 同Disqus类似,到Google Analytics注册添加site,然后获得javascript code,替换默认的javascript code,位置在: [cc lang=”bash”]Location: RAILS_ROOT/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb, line 12~22[/cc] Enjoy and have fun!

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  • Post author: Samson Wu
  • Post link: 2805.html
  • Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.