Install Ubuntu on VirtualBox (Part 1)

[Dedication] To my friend louchx:), welcome to the Unix/Linux world! [Overview] Ubuntu is one of the most popular linux distribution nowadays. It mainly focus on usability, accessibility and internationalization, to reach as many people as possible. Refer ubuntu home page and this wiki page for more detail information about ubuntu. Usually we will need a physical machine to install an OS like ubuntu, but since that’s our first time to install linux, let’s choose another more secure way. We will use a software virtualizer to virtualize a physical machine for us. VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. According to its official home page, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software. Another choice is VMware, but since it’s not free, that’s not my recommendation here. So… here we will install ubuntu on virtualbox based on windows hosts. First let’s prepare… [What we need] 1. Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition 32 bit version Download the iso from, choose a proper download location there 2. VirtualBox 2.2.4 for Windows hosts Download the latest release from [Install VirtualBox] VirtualBox installation is just like installing a normal windows software. That’s what you’re most familiar with, so I only attach some screenshots below. For the official installation guides on Windows host, please refer this page. virtualbox setup 1: virtualbox setup 1 virtualbox setup 2: virtualbox setup 2 virtualbox setup 3: virtualbox setup 3 virtualbox setup 4: virtualbox setup 4 virtualbox setup 5: virtualbox setup 5 virtualbox setup 6: virtualbox setup 6 virtualbox setup 7: virtualbox setup 7 To be continued…

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  • Post author: Samson Wu
  • Post link: 660.html
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